2 Company Directors of a well established company in the fish industry have been acquitted from all charges brought against them and have also been given back full possession and ownership of the Maltese flagged vessel Hannibal 1 as the Court found them not guilty of any regulatory breaches. Defence lawyer Dr Joseph Giglio from LexPractis Advocates appeared for the accused. The Court did not find the Company Directors in breach of the “Fishing Vessel Regulations” S.L 425.07 nor in breach of the Enforcement of Sea Fishing Contraventions Order S.L 425.08. Moreover, the Court acquitted the two Company Directors for being in breach of EU Regulation which regulates compliance with Common Fisheries Policy.
The European Law Students’ Association is the world’s largest independent law students’ association. It is an organization comprised of law students and recent graduates and providing them with opportunities
On the 11th March 2019, the European Law Students’ Association hosted an event called How to Sessions | Session 2: Moot Court Competitions. A number of lawyers were invited to participate in this event, amongst these was the founding partner of the firm Dr Joseph Giglio LL.D.
Dr Giglio was invited to discuss Criminal Law litigation with the students reading law at the University of Malta, providing them with the necessary guidance, knowledge and insight to criminal proceedings to enable them to be better equipped when they participate in the criminal law moot court competition. Dr Giglio provided advice on the legal methodology used when one is legal counsel to a person accused as well as if one is prosecuting, as well as the arguments that are to be used in either scenario. He also provided advice and the procedure that is to be adopted when questioning a witness.
There were other speakers that participated who focused on Civil and Commercial Law litigation and Employment Law litigation. The event was created with the intention of providing legal students a better understanding of the different sections of the law providing students a broader view which in-turn will help them throughout their legal career ahead.